Monday, August 10, 2015

This Teenager Died And Came Back To Life 20 Minutes Later.Claims He Met Jesus

A Texas 17-year-old high school football player claims he saw Jesus after he collapsed in gym class and was without a heartbeat for 20 minutes.

Zack Clements, of Brownwood, Texas, was taken to the hospital where doctors worked to revive him after he collapsed while running sprints in his P.E. class at Victory Life Academy on May 5.
Just as doctors were about to pronounce Zack dead, his pulse returned and he was airlifted to Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth. He woke up in the intensive care unit days later.

This Teenager Died And Came Back To Life 20 Minutes Later.Claims He Met Jesus

Now on the road to recovery, Zack said that he saw Jesus just before regaining a pulse.
'When I was out those 20 minutes, I saw a man who had long ruffled hair and kind of a thick beard, and it didn't take me long to realize that that was Jesus,' he told CBS Dallas-Fort Worth.
'I went up to him and he put his hand on my shoulder and he told me everything would be alright and not to worry,' he added.

Zack's father, Billy Clements, said that though some might find his son's story unbelievable, he and his family see a divine miracle as the only explanation for Zack's revival.

'For him to wake up and tell us something he experienced like that. It's just you can't explain it. It's not humanly possible to explain it,' he told CBS.
Zack's mother, Teresa Clements, has also accepted that Jesus helped bring her son back to life.
'I'm just glad he decided to let me have my baby back,' she told CBS.
Zack plans the return to school after doctors clear him for release from the hospital, which could be within the next few days. His collapse is still unexplained by medical professionals.
His family is hoping to raise money for medical bills with a YouCaring page.  


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