Saturday, October 29, 2016

Wash Your Face with Coconut Oil and Baking Soda 3 times a Week, and This Will Happen in a Month ! (Video)

These days people spend a little fortune on cosmetic products, including cleansers, masks, face creams, and moisturizers.

Wash Your Face with Coconut Oil and Baking Soda 3 times a Week, and This Will Happen in a Month ! (Video)

However, it turns out that there are two inexpensive and common ingredients which get the job done naturally and safely.


2 tbsp baking soda
2 tbsp coconut oil


Put the baking soda into a bowl and crush the larger pieces using a spoon to make it as smooth as possible

Add the coconut oil to the bowl and mix well to create a paste


Wash the face using circular motions. Apply the mixture and leave it on for a couple of minutes before washing it off with cool water. Repeat the procedure three times a week.

Within a short period of time, your skin will become pimple free, soft, and glowing. Additionally, this mixture will remove wrinkles partially or completely, so you will never have to buy anti-ageing products again.

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