Monday, October 17, 2016


Living in a toxic environment means that we’re exposed to toxins on a regular basis. It is almost impossible to avoid toxicity completely. Even, the food we eat is loaded with chemicals. Fortunately, our body removes toxins in a natural manner.


There are 2 groups of toxins:

Water soluble toxins, which are removed through the kidneys and the blood.

Fat soluble toxins, which are difficult to be removed.

Fat Soluble Toxins are difficult to be removes and they can be completely removed only when they become water soluble. Some of these toxins are:

Heavy metals
Food additives
Various environmental compounds

The liver is crucial in this process. Even though the digestive system and the detox pathways are functioning properly, these toxins can reach the blood, fat cells, and brain, from the liver. Moreover, these toxins can stay in our body for years.

In order to prevent these toxins from staying there, the digestion, detox pathways and stress levels should be regulated. When we digest the meal, two types of fats (toxic and nutritional) are mixed from the stomach to the small intestine. Then the bile from our liver and gallbladder emulsifies them in the small intestine. The small intestine has millions of tiny villi and lacteals (finger-like mucus membranes that resemble grass).

These villi and lacteals absorb the nutritional fats and move the toxic fats to the liver for procession. In this way, our gut is cleansed. In case the detox pathways are damaged, the toxic fats won’t be eliminated. As a result, they will be stored in the body.


The Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue, or GALT, is the initial part of the lymphatic system which surrounds the intestinal tract. This is where lacteals cause the absorption and processing of both toxic and nutritional fats. It is necessary for this part to have properly functioning villi and lacteals. Then the lymphatic system takes the absorbed fats to the liver. The good fats are used by the liver for the production of:

Cell membranes
Brain cells

Once processed, our liver will mark them for removal.

In case of a congestion in the lymphatic system, there is a severe impact on the process of usage of good fats and removal of bad fats. .There are several symptoms which indicate congested GALT which is harming the lymphatic system:

Swelling in breast; breast tenderness in menstrual cycle
Skin irritation/itching
Elimination problems
Additional weight around the belly
Stiffness in the joints
Swelling in hands/feet
Irregular headaches

Stress and poor diet can affect our intestinal villi, which can affect the functioning of our bowels. Prolonged constipation can make the intestinal villi dry, which can result in the production of reactive mucus.

When there’s too much mucus, bloating can appear besides normal stools (1 to 3 normal bowel movements daily). Moreover, more frequent bowel movements may appear and the stools may look like diarrhea. In case you notice mucus in the stool, pay your doctor a visit because it may indicate excess congestion in the villi.

When this happens, the delivery of good fats, excretion of toxic fats, the normal immune response, and the health of the intestinal skin cause obstruction of the process of disintegrating toxins. Normally, the neutralization of toxins absorbed into the lymph is performed by immune-boosting white blood cells in over 500+ lymph nodes in the lymphatic system. When there is too much mucus, the toxins are directed back to the liver.

To prevent this from happening, there must be an established balance of the mucus membranes. Some other factors, such as: stress, processed food, coffee, soft drinks, food additives, and hyperacidity, may affect the intestinal villi.

Maintenance of proper health also requires an ideal flow of bile from our liver. The bile helps in digesting fats and has the ability to work as an effective immune system responder within our digestive tract.

Bile disintegrates all toxins that can be harmful to the body. If your diet consists of large amounts of fiber, the large amount of bile will be removed through stool. However, if your diet lacks fiber, 94% of the bile will be reabsorbed by the liver for recycling. Toxins will also be included in this process. In such a situation, the liver can become overwhelmed as it is not expecting the return of these toxic fat cells.

This can result with congestion in the liver over the long term. Moreover, our bile can become very thick and sludge-like. This makes it harder for the bile to break down fat-soluble toxins because it will not be able to ward off the acids from stomach that enter our small intestine. This will trigger the mucus production, irritate the villi and cause congestion. As a consequence, the entire digestive system will be affected.


The toxins and the sludgy bile result in congestion within the biliary tubes in our liver, the liver lets fat-soluble toxins into our blood stream. The toxins will then reach the fat cells and get stored for years. This leads to damage due to free radicals. This will cause numerous health problems, because over time, these toxins can transform into neurotoxins and get stored in the fatty tissues in our brain.


It is important to detox our body through the fat metabolism. The elimination of fat cells helps in further toxin removal. This can be achieved by burning fat, losing weight, improving the lifestyle, reducing stress and incorporating a healthy diet.


As we mentioned before, when the lymph and the villi are congested, absorption of the food fats is made impossible. This results in allergies to soy, dairy and wheat. Such foods are too heavy, difficult to digest and require high amount of mucus. Moreover, the high amount of gluten they contain causes irritation of the intestinal walls. This can stimulate release of additional reactive mucus even when there is too much mucus in your gut and the stomach and upper small intestine didn’t break down the gluten effectively. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to remove wheat and dairy products completely from our diet.


In case of loose stools, mucus in the bowel, or regular constipation, it may be a sign of detoxification and pathways issue. Moreover, if you experience pain or nausea after eating certain foods, it may mean that there is a toxic fat storage. Fighting this issue may mean that you should take proper care of your health and pay close attention to your diet. There are foods which may help in the process of liver cleansing, such as: garlic, beets, green tea, grapefruit, carrots, avocados, apples, olive oil, limes and lemons, green leafy veggies, turmeric, walnuts and cabbage.

We present you one of the best methods for cleansing your liver and bile.



3 lemons or a single large grapefruit
4 tbsp epsom salt
Half cup of virgin olive oil
Apple juice (you may also use malic acid supplements) – optional


4 to 5 days before starting the treatment, you should take as many apples you can or drink apple juice. You may also use malic acid supplements. In the last two days, take 8 ounces of apple juice every 2 to 3 hours. This will help in making your cleansing process a success.

During the 1st day of the treatment, start with a light breakfast without any fats. This will help in the accumulation of bile in the liver, creating pressure. It will help in removing stones from the liver.

At 2pm the same day: Mix 4 tbsp of Epsom salts in three cups of water in a jar. Keep it in the refrigerator. Avoid taking any food after 2 pm.

At 6pm: Take three-fourth cup of the mixture from the jar. To improve the flavor you can add 1/8 tbsp of powdered vitamin C.

At 8 pm: Take again three-fourths of the mixture. You shouldn’t do anything after doing a liver cleanse, just lying down and sleeping.

At 9:45: Take a jar and add half cup of the virgin olive oil into it. Take the grapefruit and squeeze the juice into the jar. Use a fork to remove the pulp. This will give you half to three-fourths juice to mix with the olive oil. Close the lid and shake well.

At 10 pm: Drink this mixture. Try to consume the whole mixture within 5 minutes.

Then, lie down on your right side. The right knee should be kept up pointing to your chin for around 20-25 minutes. Avoid any movement and you can go to sleep.

In the morning, just after you wake up, take three-fourth cup of Epsom salt dosage and you can again go to sleep. Consume the remaining salts 2 hours later. Then, wait for another 2 hours before you take anything (avoid solid fruits yet). You should take only fluids and then gradually move to fruits.


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