Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dandelion Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach … Here’s How To Prepare

Prepare Dandelion to cure everything from Stomach to Cancer

Dandelion Cures Cancer, Hepatitis, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach … Here’s How To Prepare

Dandelion has been known to have a healing cause for a long time. Its use varies from all sides of the medicine. It’s helpful to pregnant women and women in menopause; it can also be used against allergies, low cholesterol, in case of detoxification of the liver as well as to stimulate bile production.

Most parts of it can be used for medicine or any form of healing, from tea to food. Dandelion flowers can be used for syrup which will help relieve a cough, improve digestion and purify the blood. The leaves are used for more dieting purposes, like in a salad or with eggs or potatoes, because they are rich in vitamins. The stem of the dandelion has the most medicinal use, for stomach issues, gallbladder function, regulating the metabolism and purifying the blood as well as treat diabetes.

It is important as well to know where and when to pick dandelion. The best time is in the start of April in spring and you should harvest the roots from places away from pollution.


It has been acknowledged as very helpful and medicinal even in today’s medicine and knowing its benefits will only help you use it better and treat whatever the need.

The important thing is to peel and cut the roots and then let them dry on a fresh air for two weeks. They will be done when they feel crisp on touch. When they’re done, store the roots in a jar and put them away somewhere dark and cool.

Dandelion roots have immense remedial efficiency for kidneys, gallbladder, lymph and liver which means that they can be used to treat acne, rheumatism, constipation, hepatitis as well as cysts, tumors and cancers. The roots can be helpful especially to women in diseases and issues connected to breastfeeding.


Dandelion tea is made from dandelion leaves that need to be dried, chopped, minced and then mixed together.. You only need half a teaspoon of the mixture to make a tea. Add that quantity to a glass of water and you’ll have a delicious tea.

Another way is to mix 60 grams of the mixture with 30 grams of dried dandelion roots and add this to 2.5 ounces of water along with some salt. Leave it to boil and simmer for around 20 minutes and strain the liquid afterwards. You can take up to three glasses a day.


This mixture requires 400 yellow dandelion flowers, 4 sliced oranges and 4 sliced lemons, all put together in 3 liters of water. The mixture needs to stay put for 24 hours after which you can add 2 cups of sugar, and cook it for around 30 minutes.

When the mixture gets thick and syrupy, put away from heat and store the mixture into uncontaminated jars. You can use the dandelion syrup for regular coughs and colds or even bronchitis.

via myhealthyfeed.com

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