Friday, September 4, 2015

Mom Expects to give birth to Normal Twins, But When the Doctors examined her, She's SHOCKED.

After determining she was pregnant with twins, Kate the soon to be mother of the twins was informed by doctors that her babies were in a dangerous situation called, Monoamniotic, or “MoMo,” and were probably not survive the pregnancy.

She was in hospital care for months. Her amazing story and images have since gone viral on the internet. MoMo is an extremely rare genetic disorder which belongs to the overgrowth syndromes and has been diagnosed in only six cases around the world, and occurs in 1 in 100 million births. 

Mom Expects to give birth to Normal Twins, But When the Doctors examined her, She's SHOCKED.

Their umbilical cords wrap around them as they grow. The survial rate for these newbors are from 50-70% depending on the severity of the condition . Kate and her husband were lucky and after 32 weeks welcomed the arrival of the twin babies through cesarean section which is a surgical procedure in which one or more incisions are made through the abdomen and uterus to extract one or more babies and stitching it leaving a scar in the stomach.

The twins' braided umbilical cords were examined, and the doctors were amazed the babies had survived and has beaten the odds. The entanglement was more severe than what Doctors previously thought and had a knot at one point. Kate explains the difficult pregnancy in the hospital and delivery put her marriage to a breaking point, but the family won and two beautiful girls were born despite the odds against them.

Mom Expects to give birth to Normal Twins, But When the Doctors examined her, She's SHOCKED.

 It truly is a miracle to have twin kids safely delivered to this world when the doctors say they have a 50-70% chance that they will survive. Today the twins are healhty and living their lives to the fullest because their mother believed that things will be alright with positive attitude and prayers.

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