Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Face Of Evil: This Babysitter Did Something Horrific To The Child She Was Watching

How f$$ked up is the world right now? Do we really need to see videos of people being killed for specious religious reasons, in graphic detail, complete with all the blood and gore? Do we really want to think that out there among the populace are individuals determined to do us harm in more and more abhorrent and disgusting ways? Does our daily life now have to be filled with images of headless torsos, mangled bodies, and corpses strewn across vast cityscape battlefields?

The Face Of Evil: This Babysitter Did Something Horrific To The Child She Was Watching

Take this clip, for example. The story behind it is just sickening. In order to protest the treatment of her people by the Russian government, this Muslim babysitter decided that the best way to make a statement was to do something unthinkable: she decided to decapitate the four-year-old girl she was taking care of and then parade around the nearby streets, celebrating her “triumph.” Look at her face in the image below; that’s a person of pure evil, right? No remorse there.

As for the video, the blurring doesn’t really remove the horror of what’s happening. Just think of it – this woman took a blade, cut off a toddler’s head, and then casually walked around in public, proclaiming her cause while showing off her deed. That’s beyond disturbing. It’s unthinkable. It’s disgusting. Sadly, it’s also part and parcel of the kind of world we live in today.


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