Friday, February 12, 2016

Every Finger Is Connected With 2 Organs: Japanese Methods For Curing About A 5 Minutes!

The Japanese have a great fingers-based curing treatment that will take only five minutes of your time. Actually, it is based on the thinking that every finger is connected to two body organs.

Every Finger Is Connected With 2 Organs: Japanese Methods For Curing About A 5 Minutes!

This ancient Japanese art of healing is known as Jin shin Jitsu and it is beneficial for your emotional balance. This is due to the stimulation of certain points of the hands.

This art is part of the Japanese alternative medicine and it is based on the finger of the hands, particularly on the important and significant points of the fingers which are able to balance the energy in our body, which is very important for both our emotional and physical health.

How it works:

This method helps us act upon some organ by only taking up the finger with the other hand and holding it tightly for three to five minutes. You need to breathe deeply while you do this and after that you need to massage every finger on both of your hands. The average time spent on each finger should be nearly three minutes.

Here is the scheme that shows which organs are connected to each finger:


Organs: stomach and spleenwort
Emotions: anxiety and depression
Physical symptoms: skin issues, stomach pain, nervousness, headache

Index finger:

Organs: urinary bladder and kidney
Emotions: fear, confusion, discontent
Physical symptoms: pain in the back, in the muscles and tooth pain, problems with digestion

Middle finger:

Organs: yolky bitter and liver
Emotions: rage, irritability and indetermination
Physical symptoms: menstrual pain, migraines, headaches, especially in the frontal area, tiredness, problems with circulation

Ring finger:

Organs: large intestine and lungs
Emotions: sadness, fear, negativity
Physical symptoms: asthma and other respiratory problems, digestion problems, skin conditions


Organs: small intestine and heart
Emotions: nervousness, anxiety and absence of self-confidence
Physical symptoms: pain in the throat, heart disease, problems with bones

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