Monday, September 19, 2016

Do You Have a Lump on Your Neck, Back, or Behind Your Ear? This Is What It Means!

Almost everyone who would find a lump on their body would get upset, as lumps are not supposed to appear as something normal. Nevertheless, everyone should know that these lumps are quite common and pretty harmless.

Do You Have a Lump on Your Neck, Back, or Behind Your Ear? This Is What It Means!

The lumps we are talking about are a type of cysts, called epidermoid cysts, and they are different from sebaceous cysts. The latter type of cysts results from the sebaceous glands, glands that lubricate skin and hair.

The epidermoid cysts do not need to be treated, however, people who have them want to remove them as these cysts can cause an infection and do not look good. The elimination process of the epidermoid cysts does not require some medical methods, because there are some useful natural remedies.

Here are some natural methods and ingredients that can help you get rid of the epidermoid cyst:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

When it comes to elimination of epidermoid cysts, you can use this natural ingredient which is highly efficient due to the acetic acid it contains. Apple cider vinegar eliminates the infection and makes you protected from any bacteria. Just take some apple cider vinegar and apply it on the cyst. Then, put a bandage or some cloth over it in order to protect it.

Do this every day for a week, until the cyst forms a layer of hard skin. Remove the layer and make sure that the cyst can drain. Then, go on applying apple cider vinegar onto the affected area for one more week approximately, and the results will be visible very soon, in the form of new skin.

2. Dandelion

The epidermoid cysts can also be removed using a natural mixture made of one tablespoon of dandelion and some viola. Put these ingredients into some amount of water and put the mixture on heat, making sure that it boils for about 45 minutes. Once the mixture is boiled, strain it. Drink this remedy four times a day for ten days, or you can use it topically, applying it directly onto the cysts.

3. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is an ingredient known to be very efficient in alleviating pain and swelling. All you have to do is to add some Epsom salt into your bathtub before soaking in it. The pain is going to disappear in a minute.

4. Aloe Vera

Besides its other numerous uses, Aloe Vera is also very efficient for getting rid of this type of cysts. The only thing you should do for it is to apply some Aloe Vera extract directly on the cyst or drink the Aloe Vera gel.

5. Milk

Milk is another efficient remedy for reducing the size of the lumps and for speeding up the process of their healing. The method is very simple: soak a tea bag in some milk and apply the bag onto the cyst, letting it stay there overnight. Do this on a regular basis and very soon the results will be visible.

6. Honey

Make a mixture using some honey, wheatgrass and banana, and then apply it onto the cyst. Cover the cyst with a bandage in order to protect it, letting the layer stay on for the whole night.

7. Castor Oil

This is another natural ingredient that will help you reduce the size of the lump. Just apply some castor onto the cyst, and then cover the layer with a hot bag of water or a cloth. Repeat this procedure on a regular basis.


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