Friday, September 30, 2016

Chinese Face Map Reveals What Part Of Your Body Is Sick And How To Fight It

For many years, the healers in China manage to diagnose and detect all types of diseases by reading faces. Facial skin is very sensitive and can reflect the internal changes faster compared to the other body parts.

Chinese Face Map Reveals What Part Of Your Body Is Sick And How To Fight It

According to this Chinese technique every area of our face is associated with certain organs of the organism.

Whenever we experience any imbalance, it is manifested on our face. Rashes, pimples, and skin color changes are among the most common symptoms.

Find out more how you can use this ancient technique and treat numerous health issues.

Forehead: Bladder and small intestine

Cause: The excessive consumption of canned foods and fats result in slow digestion. Also, this condition is caused by stress, sugar, and too much alcohol.

Cure: Try to avoid the consumption of alcohol and try to improve your night sleep. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water and consume raw food.

Between the eyebrows
: Liver

Cause: Your stomach does not get the rest it required, which leads to chronic tiredness. The excessive consumption of meat makes the stomach work too much. Also, this could be a sign that you are allergic to some foods.

Cure: It is very important to consume fresh and healthy foods. Try to do yoga, meditation, fast walking or any other exercises. Also, make sure to spend more time on fresh air.

Eyebrow arch
: Kidneys

Cause: Poor circulation, alcohol, weakened heart, and smoking cigarettes.

Cure: Reduce the caffeine intake, avoid the consumption of alcohol and sweetened drinks, and make sure to drink a lot of water.

Nose: Heart

Cause: Poor circulation, bloated stomach, gasses, closed space, and polluted air. Hypertension can also be the cause for many issues in this facial area.

Cure: Check your cholesterol level and regulate your blood pressure. You need to drink organic green tea so you can eliminate the toxins from the body. Also, make sure to exercise regularly.

Upper part of the cheeks: Lungs

Cause: Pollution, asthma, and smoking. Also, there can appear dark circles around your eyes.

Cure: Do not expose yourself to cigarette smoke or polluted air. If you are a smoker, you need to quit as soon as possible. Make sure to do some exercises.

Cheeks: Lungs and kidneys

Cause: Excessive consumption of sugar, unhealthy food, stress, and smoking.

Cure: Eliminate the unhealthy food from your diet and make sure to buy cosmetic products with high quality.

Mouth and chin: Stomach

Cause: Food which is full of fat, sugar, and stimulants as alcohol and caffeine. The spiced foods can also have a great influence on this area. Imbalance can be also caused by stress and staying up deep in the night.

Cure: Consume fruits and foods which can balance your organism. And, if this doesn’t help and you still have problems, you should consult your doctor.

Jaw and neck: Hormones

Cause: Drinking not enough water, excessive intake of salt and season food. Also, too much intake of caffeine can cause problems.

Cure: Reduce the intake of caffeine, salt, and season food. Make sure to drink plenty of water on a daily basis.


Ginger-Garlic Soup (Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic) Defeats Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

The soup presented in this article fights off colds, flu, and even norovirus! It is made with 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme, and lemon, a potent combination which kills off any virus that enters the body.

Ginger-Garlic Soup (Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic) Defeats Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus

What makes garlic so effective in destroying viruses is the potency of allicin, one of its chemical constituents. Read on to learn more about this substance:

The amazing benefits of Allicin

According to a recent finding from Washington State University, garlic is 100 times more effective when compared to two popular antibiotics for fighting diseases causing bacteria typically responsible for foodborne illness.

When the garlic is crushed, allin turns into allicin, a compound which has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as to help prevent blood clots. Garlic also lowers the risk of gardening of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis. Compounds in the bulb destroy many organisms, such as viruses and bacteria responsible for flu, colds, and earache. It has been scientifically shown that it works against diarrhea and other digestive issues. Ultimately, many studies suggest that garlic is able to prevent development of cancer, too. According to Helen Bond, a Derbyshire-based consultant dietitian and spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association, ‘This chemical has been known for a long time for its

According to Helen Bond, a Derbyshire-based consultant dietitian and spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association, ‘This chemical has been known for a long time for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal powers.’

‘Because of this, people assume it is going to boost their immune systems. Lots of people are simply mashing up garlic, mixing it with olive oil and spreading it on bread.

‘But how or whether it may actually work has still not been proven categorically.’

According to a recent investigation by Cochrane Database, a respected global research organization, increasing garlic intake during winter can cut the duration of cold symptoms.

Further and authoritative research is needed on the topic, but pharmaceutical companies are not interested in running expensive trials which are not profitable. After all, there is nothing in garlic they can patent and sell.


Garlic has been long used as medicine by Ancient Egyptians who recommended it for 22 ailments. The Ancient Greeks used it for numerous issues, from curing lung and blood disorders to relieving insect bites and treating leprosy. Roman soldiers and sailors were given garlic to boost their endurance. Back in 1858, Louis Pasteur noted that bacteria died when exposed to garlic. From the Middle Ages on, garlic has been widely used to treat wounds and prevent the spread of infection. Ultimately, the Russians call it penicillin.

Recently, scientists have found that garlic helps stay hearty and hale in many different ways. For instance, researchers at the University of Florida found that garlic intake increases the number of T-cells in the bloodstream, which are critical for boosting immunity and fighting viruses.

Pharmacologist at the University of California found that allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, works as potent infection-killer. Apart from this, it also improves blood flow and helps treat high cholesterol and similar cardiovascular issues.

Last week, the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an Australian study which had found that eating garlic on a regular basis helps reduce high blood pressure.

Back in 2007, dentists in Brazil discovered that gargling with garlic water destroys germs responsible for tooth decay and gum disease.

Ultimately, garlic contains oils which cripple into the nervous system of slugs and snails and kill them, according to researchers from the University of Newcastle.


When it comes to preparing garlic to get the most of it, there are two schools of thought. Investigators from Argentina believe that baking the cloves releases allicin while scientists at South Carolina Medical University believe that peeling garlic and letting it sit for a few minutes produces the highest levels of allicin.

You can peel half of the garlic cloves and roast the other half. After an hour-and-a-quarter`s industrious soup-making, add lemon juice over a bowl of steaming.



26 organic garlic cloves (unpeeled)
26 organic garlic cloves, peeled
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp (1/4 stick) organic butter (grass fed)
3 1/2 cups organic vegetable broth
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 1/2 tsp chopped fresh thyme
2 1/4 cups sliced onions
1/2 cup fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder

4 lemon wedges


Preheat the oven to 350F and put 26 garlic cloves in a small baking dish. Sprinkle with sea salt, add the olive oil, and toss to coat. Cover the dish with foil and bake for about 45 minutes. Squeeze the garlic to release the cloves and put them into a smaller bowl.

Melt the butter over medium heat and add the thyme, onions, ginger, and cayenne powder. Cook for about 6 minutes and then add roasted garlic and 26 raw garlic cloves into the saucepan. Cook for 3 minutes before adding the vegetable broth. Then, cook for about 20 minutes or until the garlic is very tender. Blend the soup in blender and then put it back into the saucepan. Add the coconut milk and simmer for a few minutes. Finally, add sea salt and pepper.

Squeeze juice of 1 lemon wedge into each bowl and serve!



The color of your hair depends on the pigment cells that are located at the base of each hair follicle. With age, these pigment cells die and their efficiency reduces.


When the body stops producing pigments, hair starts becoming colorless, turning white. However, you can prevent gray hair by nourishing your scalp and protecting the base of your hair follicles. If your base and pigment cells are healthier, then you’ll be able to avoid gray hair much longer.

Gray hair can be caused by many factors, such as:

hormonal imbalance
hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
nutritional deficiency
genetic disorders
using electric dryers and concentrated hair dyes

Hair dyes are useful for coloring your gray hair, but they’re abundant in chemical substances and they can damage your hair. Therefore, the best solution is to use all-natural products!

Luckily, there is a homemade natural solution which will make your hair look great. All you need to make the best remedy is coconut oil and lemon juice!


Coconut oil contains anti-microbial properties, lauric acid, and medium-chain fatty acids. These properties strengthen the hair, condition the scalp, and help to regrow hair. Moreover, it reduces protein loss and when used for a prolonged time, it also helps reverse gray hair because it is packed with antioxidants.

On the other hand, lemon juice also prevents white hair. It contains good amounts of vitamin B & C, and phosphorus, which nourishes the hair and treats the cause of gray hair.



3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
50 ml. of organic coconut oil


Mix three teaspoons of lemon juice with some coconut oil.
Then, apply this mixture on your hair and massage it into your scalp.
Leave it on for at least an hour.
Wash it out and then shampoo your hair..
Repeat this process every week and you will be amazed by the results!


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Spend 5 Minutes a Day Doing These 5 Exercises and Watch Your Eyesight Improve

Our eyesight is one of our most valuable senses. It gives us the ability and pleasure to observe the world around us in vivid color and high definition.

Spend 5 Minutes a Day Doing These 5 Exercises and Watch Your Eyesight Improve

It gives us freedom to explore our surroundings at free will but whether we like or not, our eyesight can worsen over our lifetimes. Depending on how well you take care of your eyes can normally tell when your sight will deterioraet. There are a number of ways you can do this and this article shows you just that.

Here are 5 natural exercises to improve your eyesight!

1) Blink your eyes.

This is really simple, and most of us already do this naturally. But now, focus on fully opening and closing your eyelids. Blinking creates tears that clean your eyeballs, which relax the muscles in your eyes. Blink 20 times for this exercise.

2) Roll your eyes.

Although this is rude to do in front of someone you’re speaking to, it’s great to do to exercise your eyes. First, roll your eyes up as far as possible, and then rotate your eyes clockwise 10 times. Then rotate your eyes counterclockwise 10 times. Repeat this 3 times.

3) See near, see far.

This is a unique exercise that works wonders for the eyes! Sit somewhere where you have something to focus on nearby and faraway. Then, focus on your nose for 10 seconds by staring at it. Then look faraway at something you wish to focus on for 5 seconds. Repeat this 5 times. Make sure to relax your eyes afterwards.

4) Do side-way views.

Focusing on your eye movement, look left as much as possible with both your eyes, and hold it for 3 seconds. Then look right as much as possible with both your eyes, and hold it for 3 seconds. Repeat this 10 times. This work outs the eye muscles, so make sure to relax after you finish this exercise.

5) Massage your temples.

Massage your temples by putting pressure on them with your thumb and rotating 10 times clockwise and then 10 times counterclockwise. Repeat this 3 times. Do not put too much pressure, you’re simply trying to relax the face muscles. Do the same exercise for the area in the middle of your eyebrows and both sides of the bridge of your nose.

These exercises are fantastic ways to relax your facial muscles and at the same time, exercise your eye muscles to benefit your eyesight!

He Used 2 Ingredients, Avoided Knee Surgery And went Home Pain Free. He Decided To Share His Cure With All Of You!

The headline may seem too ambitious for you, but it is actually completely true. We will reveal a two-ingredient recipe which will treat knee pain for good!

He Used 2 Ingredients, Avoided Knee Surgery And went Home Pain Free. He Decided To Share His Cure With All Of You!

Our knees are the most important joint in our body, as they enable all movements of our legs, ensure proper body posture, and support our walking, running, standing, or jumping.

Yet, they are easily affected by injuries, as well as age, so the flexibility and mobility of the ligaments and tendons are reduced along with the lubrication of the joints.

The lubrication process is completely natural and is greatly reduced with aging. Therefore, we need to work on the flexibility of our joints in order to avoid injuries due to sharp and sudden movements.

Namely, a 44-year-old man managed to avoid the knee surgery and treat the knee pain completely naturally. Therefore, this man, called Tuzlak Elvir D., decided to share the miraculous remedy which helped him treat the issue with the entire world.

What’s best about it all is that this remedy contains only 2 ingredients which are probably already in your kitchen cabinet.

According to Elvir, the pain in his knee appeared as a result of the constant work and standing in the last 8 months. When he visited his doctor, he admitted that Elvir would not be able to stand again if he did not do a surgery.

At this point, after the visit of his doctor. Elvir met an older woman who revealed the recipe of the miracle which saved him!

This is how to prepare this remedy:

You should mix 3 cups of apple cider vinegar with a cup of salt. Then, soak a piece of cloth in the mixture and wrap it around the knees. Leave the cloth to act overnight.

Elvir stated that after 7 days of regular application of this remedy, his pain was completely gone, and his knees were fully recovered!

Hence, in case you suffer from some similar knee issue, make sure you try this remedy and solve your problem fast!


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How To Whiten Clothes: The Most Effective Way To Make The White Clothes White Again

Every housewife dreams of perfectly white clothes and sheets.

How To Whiten Clothes: The Most Effective Way To Make The White Clothes White Again

Unfortunately, the color of white fabrics quickly becomes pale gray or yellow over time, which can be irritating, and even uncomfortable for the people who wear the clothes.

Therefore, if you are wondering if there is some method to restore the white color of the white clothes, as well as their freshness, we can provide the answer. Don’t even think about synthetic bleach, as we will disappoint you. These products worsen things and thin out clothes.

Yet, there are some methods that will help you solve this issue. We will suggest a natural bleach that will provide even better effects than expected.

When it comes to laundry whitening, potassium permanganate is a must!

All you need to do is the following:

Add a few crystals to 10 liters of water in order to get a pink solution, and stir 200 grams of your regular detergent in it. You should not add more potassium permanganate as this will not improve the effect. Then, soak the white laundry in the solution, and use a nylon bag to cover them. Leave the clothes thus for at least 4-5 hours, or for best effects, overnight.

Afterward, transfer the laundry to the laundry machine, and wash them as usually.

Furthermore, you can do things in the opposite way, you can initially wash the clothes, and then leave them in the solution to soak.

Next, rinse them and hang them. If needed, you can repeat the entire procedure once more, until you are completely satisfied with the result.

Note that you can also use baking soda to whiten your clothes. It is inexpensive, affordable, and extremely effective as well.

You should mix 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda with the detergent you usually use. This will lower the hardness of the water, and it will also boost the power of the detergent. You can add some baking powder to the compartment where you add the detergent, and wash the laundry.

This will provide magnificent effects, and you will be pleased with the results! Your clothes will be white and fresh again!



Banana is one organic product that is extremely rich in minerals and vitamins. It is effectively realistic and extremely delectable also.


It has been evaluated as a super food in light of the fact that it is one of the most advantageous sustenance’s on the planet and has numerous medical advantages.

Banana should firm part of your daily dietary routine as they offer a variety of health benefits as they can help you combat…

Morning sickness
Kidney cancer

Bananas are also known to boost brain functions and in effect make you smarter.

Here are 10 health benefits of consuming banana regularly.

1. It Prevents Calcium Loss

Bananas help to prevent calcium loss in the body and this leads to better absorption of the mineral by your bones and teeth thereby making them stronger.

2. It Makes You A Smarter Person

As mentioned earlier bananas will boost brain functions and in effect your cognitive and reasoning ability. This is because bananas have a high potassium content which is essential for proper brain activity.

3. It Helps Prevent Kidney Cancer

Also stated earlier bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, due to its ability to promote calcium absorption in the body thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones. It will also boost teeth and bone health as a result while offering protection for your eyes from macular degeneration.

4. Bananas Help To Combat Anemia

Bananas are rich in iron which will boost and strengthen your blood and also help you combat anemia.

5. It Aids Proper Digestion

Bananas are rich in dietary fiber and as a result they can help you to combat indigestion and constipation by regulating and normalizing bowel motility.

6. It Will Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Bananas help to regulate your blood sugar levels and this is good if you suffer from diabetes. They also help to fight depression, PMS symptoms and generally improve your mood.

7. It Can Protect You From Heart Attack And Stroke

When you consume bananas often you are less likely to have a heart attack or suffer from stroke, this is because bananas are rich in potassium and low in sodium.

8. It Fights Depression

Bananas are rich in tryptophan that when consumed gets transformed into serotonin which is a brain neurotransmitter that regulates your mood to happy.

9. It Helps To Combat Inflammation

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 which helps to combat inflammation of your joints. It also helps with combating type II diabetes, in the production of white blood cells and in strengthening your nervous system.

10. Bananas Will Boost Your Energy Levels

You will boost your energy levels significantly when you consume bananas, if you are into workouts then consuming two bananas before you engage in your workout will help energize you.



No one speak about urine in courteous business, however it states a lot about you. Its smell, consistency and color are all telltale signs of your way of life and well-being, varying from what you have actually been eating and consuming recently to diseases you may unknown you have.


Urine is mainly water (at least 95 percent), but the rest is a surprisingly complicated brew of components that include urea, chloride, sodium, potassium, creatinine and other dissolved ions, plus different inorganic and organic substances. The most common urine color is yellow, which is triggered by the existence of urobilin, a biochemical waste product created from the breakdown of old red blood cells. (Your body makes about 2 million new red cell every day, and recycles an equal variety of old ones.).

Here’s a handy color chart next time you’re standing around, questioning:.

1. Transparent.

Appears like: Water.

Colorless urine may show over-hydration. While not as hazardous as dehydration, over-hydration can water down essential salts, such as electrolytes, creating a troublesome chemical imbalance in the blood.

2. Light yellow urine color.

Looks like: Pale straw color.

This is normal and says you’re well hydrated. Keep up the great work.

3. Cloudy.

Appears like: An unclean martini.

If your urine color has a dirty martini seek to it, you might have a bladder infection. The cloudiness originates from mucus, tissues and proteins that are breaking down and coalescing.

4. Medium yellow urine color.

Looks like: Lemonade.

You might be dehydrated. Time to drink some water.

5. Dark yellow.

Appears like: Apple juice.

Seriously, drink something, would you? Likewise, if you went heavy on B vitamins, that might be contributing.

6. Orange.

Appears like: Tang.

OK, now you’re truly dehydrated and need water, stat. Orange-hued urine color could also indicate the presence of bilirubin, a yellow-colored by-product of the natural breakdown of old red blood cells, warns Jill Buckley, M.D., likewise from UCSD. This could be due to a gallstone obstructing the bile duct, which drains pipes bilirubin, or to liver disease. Some medications for urinary tract infections can give your pee a vibrant Tang-ling tinge.

7. Pink.

Appears like: White Zinfandel.

Did you eat a great deal of beets last night? Because that might do it. But it might also be blood. “Simply a drop of blood in urine turns it pink,” says Sur. While a general practitioner might wave that off as no big deal, Sur says that any blood in the urine requires a see to the urologist, as it might be due to infection, or an early indication of bladder cancer. (It most likely isn’t really cancer, however better safe than sorry.).

8. Darker pink.

Looks like: Cabernet.

This might indicate that there’s more than a little bit of blood in your urine, which might signify a potential bladder infection or cancer. Kidney stones, which about 10 percent of the United States population gets, can also trigger blood in the urine, as can less common bladder stones.

9. Dark pink.

Looks like: Red wine.

OK, that’s a great deal of blood. And what’s more worrying is that it might be old blood, which turns dark as it embolisms and breaks down. “The existence of old blood is really worrisome because it suggests a substantial amount of blood,” Sur warns. It likewise could mean that whatever’s causing the bleeding has actually been around for a while. He constantly errs on the side of care: If there’s a great deal of (possibly old) blood, “I want to put a scope inside. As far as I’m worried, it’s cancer up until tested otherwise.”.

10. Brown.

Looks like: Coke.

Particular drugs, such as the anti-malarial chloroquine and an antibiotic called metronidazole, can offer urine color of a cola-like color. So can bingeing on fava beans or rhubarb, according to the Mayo Clinic. That flat Coke appearance might also be triggered by some liver and kidney disorders, or from exercising method too hard. Your muscles utilize myoglobin to catch oxygen for energy. If you exaggerate it at the fitness center and trigger considerable muscle damage, the myoglobin can seep out into your blood stream and make its way into your urine, causing it to turn dark brown. Absolutely see a physician for a myoglobin urine test; too much myoglobin in the blood can overwhelm your kidneys and lead to kidney failure.

11. Blue/Green.

Looks like: A Jell-O shot.

It’s possible that eating a lots of food tinted with synthetic dyes can paint your pee in carnival colors. Most likely, it’s a negative effects of medication such as Uribel, which is utilized to treat UTIs. The effect comes thanks to the component methylene blue. It’s nothing to stress over. Keep taking your pills with great deals of water, and take pleasure in the weirdness.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

For This Reason You Should Never Keep Eggs In The Refrigerator. Your Health Is In Danger

You probably know that some people keep eggs in the refrigerator ignoring the danger to their health and the health of their family, but you probably didn’t know that keeping the eggs in cold areas contributes to the bacteria that contaminate the shell to stay alive. These bacteria include Salmonella, which is very harmful to our health.

For This Reason You Should Never Keep Eggs In The Refrigerator. Your Health Is In Danger

According to several studies, the eggs kept at room temperature contained a lower percentage of bacteria than those that were kept in the refrigerator. This is due to the fact that the eggs become contaminated when the hen puts and once they’re lead to refrigerator, bacteria are preserved.

Salmonella tends to multiply rapidly when it’s in cold places contaminating everything in the refrigerator.

In some European countries, it is forbidden to store eggs in the refrigerator. There are even penalties for those who keep eggs in cold places. In the U.S. A. people can store eggs whatever way they like, but they are advised not to store them in cold areas.



Research has shown that kids who consume over 12 hot dogs per month are about 9 times more susceptible to contracting leukemia.


Studies have now also shown that pregnant women who eat a single hot dog per week are likely to give birth to a child that will develop a brain tumor.

What is the problem?

Nitrites and nitrates are used as preservatives in cured meats such as bacon, salami, sausages and hot dogs. Nitrites, which can form from nitrates, react with naturally occurring components of protein called amines. This reaction can form nitrosamines, which are known cancer-causing compounds. Nitrosamines can form in nitrite or nitrate-treated meat or in the digestive tract.

Studies have linked nitrites to stomach cancer (IARC 2010). Some data also suggest an association with cancer of the esophagus; one study showed an increased risk in people who eat cured meats more often (Rogers 1995; Mayne 2001).

There is also evidence that nitrites may be associated with brain and thyroid cancers, but a causal link has not been established (Preston-Martin 1996; Pogoda 2001; Aschebrook-Kilfoy 2013; IARC 2010).

In 2010, scientists at the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer declared that ingested nitrites and nitrates are probable human carcinogens.

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is currently considering listing nitrite in combination with amines or amides as a known carcinogen.

Some nutritious foods such as spinach and other leafy vegetables are naturally high in nitrates, but human studies on nitrate intake from vegetables have found either no association with stomach cancer or a decreased risk (IARC 2010).


THE BOILED EGGS DIET: Lose 11 kg In 2 Weeks!

The amazing boiled egg diet will accelerate your metabolism and burn fat while curbing your daily cravings. It includes eating only a couple of eggs and fresh fruit and vegetables to balance your menu.

THE BOILED EGGS DIET: Lose 11 kg In 2 Weeks!

During the diet, it’s vital to drink a lot of water. Water keeps our bodies hydrated and nourishes the cells so they can eliminate toxins. The recommended amount of water is 6-8 glasses per day, so you should stick to it. Drinking plenty of water will also prevent cravings and help you lose weight.

The rules for the boiled eggs diet are simple – you should avoid fast food and limit the daily consumption of sugar and salt, as well as sodas and alcohol. The diet can help you lose up to 11 kg. in just a couple of weeks if you’re following it strictly.

Here’s what the menu looks like:


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Fruit and 2 slices of whole meal bread
Dinner: Cooked chicken and a big bowl of salad

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Cooked chicken and a bowl of green salad
Dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable salad and 1 orange

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Low-fat cheese, 1 tomato and 1 slice of whole meal bread
Dinner: Cooked chicken and a big bowl of salad

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Fruit
Dinner: Steamed chicken and a big bowl of salad

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: 2 eggs and steamed vegetables
Dinner: Fish on barbecue and a big bowl of salad


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Fruit
Dinner: Steamed chicken and a big bowl of salad

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Chicken with steamed vegetables and a bowl of tomato salad
Dinner: Steamed vegetables


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Chicken and a big salad
Dinner: 2 eggs, salad and 1 orange
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: 2 eggs and steamed vegetables
Dinner: Fish on barbecue and big salad

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Cooked chicken and a big salad
Dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable salad and 1 orange

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: 2 eggs, cheese low in fat and steamed vegetables
Dinner: Steamed chicken and a big salad

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Tuna salad
Dinner: 2 eggs and a big salad

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric frui
Lunch: Cooked chicken and a big salad
Dinner: Fruits

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit
Lunch: Steamed chicken and steamed vegetables
Dinner: The same as lunch

The diet is particularly low on carbs, so don’t forget to consult your doctor before you start it. The menu is simple and you can easily follow it. Try the diet yourself and you will be amazed by the results!


Don’t Kill This Plant! It’s One Of The Best Healing Herbs Out There And You’ve Probably Seen It In Your Area

Plantain is a low- growing green plant which can grow everywhere in the world, in Africa Asia, Europe, America, and New Zealand.

Don’t Kill This Plant! It’s One Of The Best Healing Herbs Out There And You’ve Probably Seen It In Your Area

Its leaves are flat, oval, ribbed and short-stemmed, which may be up to 4″ wide and 6″ long. It can send up a leafless flower stock during the summer or autumn, and the stalk may be up to 10″ inches tall.

Plantain has been used for thousands of years in various treatments, due to its potent medicinal properties. It contains high amounts of ascorbic acid, vitamin K, calcium and beta carotene.

This plant has powerful anti-inflammatory, demulcent, antimicrobial, expectorant, astringent, anti-histamine, diuretic and styptic properties.

The plantain leaves can be eaten raw or added to salads. Their anti-inflammatory properties soothe pain and itching due to skin issues, poison ivy rashes, boils, insect bites, and minor sores. You can also use them to prepare a syrup, tinctures, or tea.

The leaves, as well as the plantain seeds, have laxative, demulcent, refrigerant, antidote, antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, cardiac, antitussive, hemostatic, expectorant, vermifuge, poultice, and ophthalmic activity.

This amazing plant has a wide range of medicinal uses. Life Advancer claims that “Plantain is like a panacea for our body and it can treat everything, from digestive problems to all menstrual difficulties, to almost all skin problems and even arthritis”.

According to the American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy by Dr. Finley Ellingwood, MD, in 1919, it is incredibly effective in the case of all blood diseases female disorders, injuries, diarrheal conditions, rashes and bites on the skin, different glandular diseases, and mercury poisoning.

Two Bulgarian clinical trials have shown that this plant effectively treats chronic bronchitis. Namely, the demulcent properties of plantain are similar to the ones of glycerin and pectin, which are common in cough syrups and throat drops. Demulcents soothe minor irritations and discomfort by forming a soothing film over the affected mucous membrane.

The leaves of this miraculous plant are also high in vitamin C which effectively boosts the immune system. Moreover, they are a rich source of vitamin A which supports eye health and protects against macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness.

This versatile wild vegetable can be used to maintain your overall health. It can be added to your salads, stir fries, and various other recipes. You can also chew it to quench thirst.

Plantain Herbal Tea- recipe

1 tablespoon fresh or dry, whole Plantain plant
1 cup of boiling water
*a teaspoon of Manuka honey( optional)


You should add the whole Plantain plant, the seeds, roots, and leaves, to the boiling water. It should be left to steep for 10 min, and then, strain it. If you prefer your tea sweet, add a teaspoon of Manuka honey.

Drink it and enjoy its numerous health benefits!


Monday, September 26, 2016

Canker Sores In The Mouth: Here Is How To Naturally Get Rid Of Them In A Matter Of Minutes Without Using Any Medicine

Canker sores are a common oral health issue. Also known as aphthous ulcers, cancer sores are very painful. They can appear anywhere inside the oral cavity – on the inside of your lips and cheeks, the base of your gums, on or under your tongue.

 Canker Sores In The Mouth: Here Is How To Naturally Get Rid Of Them In A Matter Of Minutes Without Using Any Medicine

They are different from fever blisters, which typically appear on the outside of your lips or the corners of your mouth.

Interestingly, canker sores take a couple of days before they reach their peak in terms of pain and irritability. In other words, they don’t start hurting immediately upon occurrence, which gives you some time to deal with it before it gets really bad.

There’s a simple trick you can do to get rid of this common, painful nuisance. Best of all, it doesn’t ask for any medication.

Start by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Swish around your mouth and gargle for a couple of minutes then spit out.

The next thing you do is warm up some water, preferably before going to bed, then squeeze some lemon juice and drink it. Don’t add any sugar in it. That’s it.

You’ll be amazed to see that your cancer sore will disappear completely by the next morning.


People Think Brown Rice is Better Than White Because They Don’t Know This

In most cases, white, unhealthy foods, have a healthier, brown option, such as white flour and whole flour , white sugar and brown sugar, etc. yet, this is not the case with all foods, as rice is one of the exceptions.

People Think Brown Rice is Better Than White Because They Don’t Know This

Probably most of you believe that white rice is harmful to your health. This is mostly due to the fact that they believe that it will spike the blood sugar after consumption.

This is probably linked to the effects of other white carbohydrate foods, like white bread, which have a high glycemic index.

Yet, in the case of rice, the properties to increase the blood sugar levels are not revealed by its color, but by its type instead. For instance, no matter if it is white or brown, basmati rice has an incredibly low glycemic index.

The International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition published a study which discovered that brown basmati rice actually elevated the levels of blood glucose more than white basmati rice.

Researchers gave 11 different types of rice to their 14 healthy participants, including white basmati rice and brown basmati rice.

They measured their blood glucose levels to determine which type of rice fell into the low glycemic index category (do not elevate blood sugar) or the medium-high glycemic index category (raise blood sugar).

Yet, at the end of their study, they found that white basmati rice belonged in the low glycemic index category, while brown basmati rice belonged in the medium-high glycemic index category. Therefore, the color of rice does not show its ability to elevate the levels of blood sugar.

However, even though brown rice is not bad for the health, you should prefer white rice after all. First of all, brown rice has more phytates than white rice.

Phytates, or phytic acid, is often known as an “anti-nutrient” , since it prevents the absorption of some health-beneficial minerals, like calcium, zinc, iron.

This does not seriously threaten your life, but it has also been found that the consumption of high-phytate foods throughout the day may cause a mineral deficiency, as well as numerous symptoms which accompany it.

Therefore, even though numerous people claim that the brown variant is much healthier than white rice, the reality is that it prevents the absorption of numerous needed nutrients in the body.

Hence, it is best to always investigate things by yourself as well. Foods can have advantages and disadvantages, so make sure you consider all facts before you make your choice.



There’s no question lemon is one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. This citrus fruit is extremely beneficial for treatment of numerous health issues including throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, and fever, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders, and high blood pressure. It can also be used externally to improve skin and hair quality.


The greatest benefit lemons provide is immune system boost and blood cleansing.

Lemons are a real storehouse of nutrients – vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, A, B1, B6, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin, folic acid, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium.

Although people generally think that the health benefits of lemons come from the flesh of the fruit, it’s actually the peel that’s more health beneficial. Lemon peel is a great antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, which effectively relieves joint pain. It is the sweet-scented volatile essential oils found in the lemon peel that relax blood vessels and provide an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes them extremely efficient in easing joint and nerve pain.

The recipes we recommend here are the two most efficient methods to get rid of joint pain using lemon peel. All you need is a couple of kitchen ingredients you probably already have.

1. Grate the yellow part of the lemon peel carefully, leaving the white part out. Apply the peel directly onto the painful part rubbing gently. Secure the grated peel with a bandage and leave to act for two hours.

2. After peeling two organic lemons, place the peel in a jar. Fill it up with olive oil. Close the jar and leave the mixture sit for two weeks. When the mixture is ready to use, massage the painful area rubbing gently. Wrap with gauze and let it act overnight.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Applying Vicks On Your Feet Can Clear Cough INSTANTLY

You have probably reached for Vicks VapoRub if you are wheezing or have a cough. This will help you to alleviate your suffering. We put this cream, by rubbing it on our chests to smooth the symptoms of cold and flu. By doing this we can sleep better at night.

Applying Vicks On Your Feet Can Clear Cough INSTANTLY

How about trying the cream on some other parts of the body. Instead of applying on the chest, try to rub it all over the soles of your feet.

Is This True?

This word was spread on lots of forums all over Internet and Facebook as well. Using Vicks, a treatment for cough, by this way, to put on socks after applying on your feet, is very unusual for all of us.

According to the supporters of this method, you will need to do this before you go to bed. Like it works for the throat, it will work for the feet as well. You will feel the vapors of the ointment, while you are sleeping.

Everyone is asking the same question “Is this TRUE?” There is no scientific evidence if this is or is not effective, although there are lots of people confirming that this have worked for them. This technique is not new.

This advice for applying this cream on the socks before you go to bed is a hit online from 2007. Many people believe that this is a good home remedy for socks, while some scientists deny this practice. It also works on children.

There is one psychologist, Dr. Lynne Jordan, which agrees for this unconventional method that may work for some people and also reduce stress. When the stress decreases at a person who is wheezing and coughing, the discomfort will be reduced. You should not completely rely on this remedy if your child is coughing for several days. Maybe there is a bigger health problem when someone is coughing, so please visit the pediatrician so the problem can be located.

Watch out for these problems:

Wet and productive cough
Cough that last for 3 days, and if the person has fever.
Breathing difficulties
Cough interferes with activities and sleep
If you have difficulties with the swallowing, such as fatigue.

Some of the experts say that putting Vicks on the feet may be a placebo effect. But it’s worth trying.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

There’s a Simple And Natural Way To Stop Snoring That Hardly Anyone Knows About—You Should Definitely Try This!

In most cases, snoring is a unique problem that mostly affects the ones that live with the one with this issue.

There’s a Simple And Natural Way To Stop Snoring That Hardly Anyone Knows About—You Should Definitely Try This!

And if your partner snores, you already know what we are talking about here. Let’s admit it- snorers don’t share our terrible destiny to spend many sleepless nights, and wake up irritated!

In most cases, snoring happens during the deep sleep cycles of people with misshapen nasal walls, constricted airways, or ones that have consumed too much alcohol, or are overweight. Additionally,snoring can also be caused by an excess phlegm in the throat or nose.

Yet, we are here to share the good news!

There is an effective natural remedy which stops snoring. Numerous people state that the regular consumption of the following tasty anti-snore juice has helped them stop snoring:


1/4 lemon
2 carrots
1 fresh ginger root
2 apples

Method of preparation:

In a juicer or blender, mix the ingredients listed above and prepare a juice or a smoothie.


Consume it several hours before going to bed on a daily basis.

The effectiveness of this natural juice is in the properties of its ingredients. The high vitamin C content in the lemon juice thins the nasal fluids and cleanses the nostrils, while the carrots and the apples clear the nose and promote a sound sleep. Also, ginger soothes the excess pressure and pain in the nostril.

Snoring is harmless in most cases, but if you regularly experience interrupted breathing or consistent difficulty sleeping, you should medically address the issue.



Lipomas are benign tumors of fat and are also called mass formation. Even though they are harmless, they can be very problematic because of the areas they grow on like neck, head, armpits, or arms.

They can be very unpleasant. There is not known information about what causes them to appear, but modern science associates them with genetics. Another cause can be cholesterol levels or obesity.

Many people want to avoid surgery and harmful drugs for the treatment of lipoma, but fortunately there is a natural alternative.

Many doctors will recommend surgical removal of lipoma or a laser procedure. However, these procedures do not guarantee that the lipomas will not come back.

With this soup recipe lipoma can be solved easily, painlessly and in a short time! This recipe is recommended for the effectiveness of even some dermatologists. It helped thousands of people to get rid of lipoma, and it is about – a mixture of honey and flour.

Natural Cure for removing lipoma

Mix equal parts of honey and flour. Apply the mixture to the lipoma.
The preferred thickness of the layer is from 5 to 10 millimeters.
When the paste is applied put a patch.
Leave the compress for 36 hours.
Then rinse and apply a new fresh mixture.
Use this drug 5 times in a row or for 8 days.
After that period, you should notice the dissolution of adipose tissue.
Preferably use honey darker color and whole grain flour.

Why does this work?

This mixture is very effective for external sores and wounds as honey provides anti-inflammatory effects and draws impurities, stimulates the lymph flow, and circulation.

There was one study with 59 cases with wounds and sores not showing results using a conventional treatment, but after the usage of honey, the results appeared in 7 days.

Additional tips for fatty deposits

The base for natural therapy of lipoma is body detox;
You should eliminate refined oils and saturated fats from your diet;
Avoid foods consisting of pesticides, preservatives, additives, white flour, meat, milk, and dairy products;
Eliminate toxins and decompose fat with the help of natural spices, okra, psyllium, chickweed, chicory, papaya, sage, pomegranate, mandarin, and turmeric;
Stimulate liver and detox your body by drinking juice of half a lemon each morning;
Dissolve and prevent the growth of fat tissues by consuming omega 3 fatty acids;
Eat more sprouts and enrich your diet with nutrients.



We know there are many things online that are giving information about healing cancer naturally, and not all of them can be trusted. We were skeptic as well, but we discovered something unbelievable and we wanted to share it with you.

You’ll be amazed when we tell you that a group of experts have discovered that this super healthy fruit can destroy cancer cells in just few minutes and it’s much more effective than the conventional chemotherapy treatment, because it destroys the cancer cells without harming the healthy ones!

And, to be honest with you, I really think that this is incredible, especially for people who are affected by this dangerous and deadly disease!

This article will bring you a video explaining about this unbelievable new discovery!

A group of experts have discovered this amazing anti-cancer ingredient – completely by accident! Well, they’ve discovered that cancer cells can be eliminated with this compound “EVS-46”, which is acquired from the tree “Australian brushwood”, from the seeds of its fruits. This tree is very rare and it usually grows in northern Australia.

And, you should also know that the scientists have discovered that when the wild animals eat its fruit, they immediately spot its seeds! Well, this was the main reason why the experts took these seeds and examined them! And guess what – the results are amazing! Just take a look at the video below.


Mind Blowing Reasons Why Aloe Vera Is A Miracle Medicine Plant. You Will Never Buy Expensive Products Again!

Aloe has a long history as a remedy for many different ailments. Commonly known as Aloe Vera, the plant can be separated into two basic products: gel and latex. Aloe Vera gel is the leaf pulp or juice, a thin clear jelly-like substance obtained from the leaf that makes up the inner portion of the leaves.

Mind Blowing Reasons Why Aloe Vera Is A Miracle Medicine Plant. You Will Never Buy Expensive Products Again!

The gel contains carbohydrate polymers, plus various other organic and inorganic compounds. Aloe latex, commonly referred to as “aloe juice,” is a yellow extract from the pericyclic tubules just beneath the outer skin of the leaves. For use as a laxative, the juice is often dried to produce aloe granules that are dark brown from exposure to the air.

The separation process is not always complete, so aloe latex can be found in some aloe gels. It is better to make the gel as pure as possible, because aloe latex contains some things that are used for strong laxatives.

The processed Aloe is difficult to keep stable, a problem that can cause differences in potency. The best source of aloe gel would be right from a broken leaf of the plant.

Aloe gel has been used for treatment of wounds, minor burns, and skin irritations. Most consumers are familiar with aloe’s use in skin-care products, but aloe can also be used as a drink.

Aloe products for internal use have been used for constipation, coughs, wounds, ulcers, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthritis, and many other conditions. Aloe has been used for all different types of things through out the years, and is now sold openly on the market. People who buy Aloe normally know exactly what they are going to use it for, and some just buy it to be safe.

Aloe is now one of the few plants that can cure so many different ailments that can be found on the surface of the earth.

Aloe Vera is not only extremely healthy for your organism, it is also easily found in grocery stores and you can grow Aloe Vera at your own home, as well.

If you are into growing your own plants, it is good to know that the Aloe Vera needs occasional watering, sunlight and a little fertilization.

By raising your own Aloe Vera, you are making sure that you are using 100% natural and organic products. If you have not been acquainted with this plant yet, it has small, wide leaves which are full of gel and can be easily collected for health purposes.

You can only split one leaf in half and squeeze the gel out of it- and you are done! To learn more on homegrown Aloe Vera you have to know all its benefits, so here is the full list:

Topical uses of Aloe Vera:

Treats acne and eczema
Reduces rashes, boils, and other skin irregularities
Helps burns heal
Stops bug bites irritation and itching
Hydrates the skin
Fills in wrinkles
Heal wounds
Serves as a hair conditioner and shampoo against hair loss
Makes up a perfect shaving gel
Internal uses of Aloe Vera:
Boosts the immunity
Regulates the blood sugar
Prevents digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, IBS and colitis, and soothes the stomach
Helps with reducing heartburn and indigestion
Improves the heart’s work and the blood’s quality
Keeps the gums healthy
Diminishes the risk for arthritis inflammation
Strengthens the urinary tract performance
Encourages the production of white blood cells

This plant originates from Northern Africa and the first uses of it were noticed back in the Egyptian Papyrus called ebers. These presented around twelve different recipes on how to use Aloe Vera to the best of its abilities.

From that point on, Aloe Vera has become the ultimate remedy for numerous diseases and found its place in both traditional and alternative medicine.

Moral of the story: avoid as much artificial medication as possible and try to use Aloe Vera instead for the best health benefits ever.


Friday, September 23, 2016

How you can treat a painful stye without special medication – and prevent another

A stye in the eye can be irritating and painful. According to All About Vision, a stye is an infection in an oil gland at the edge of the eyelid. Ouch!

How you can treat a painful stye without special medication – and prevent another

Styes can occur inside or outside the eyelid and often resemble a little pimple. The bacteria that causes styes is found in the nose, which is why it is important to wash your hands after blowing or touching your nose. If you happen to forget and then rub your eye, you are likely to develop a stye.

It is further important to know that styes are contagious. Therefore, if you have a stye, be extra careful not to share pillowcases or washcloths. And ladies, it's going to hurt, but you must toss all eye makeup. Your existing makeup is likely infected with the stye-causing bacteria and using it after the stye has healed will only cause another to occur.

According to Healthline, one of the best ways to treat a stye is to place a damp, warm washcloth over the eye for 5- 10 minutes. Continue treatment 3 or 4 times daily until the stye heals. An alternative method to this treatment is to sit back and relax with a teabag over the eyelid. Bustle say this works because tea is an antioxidant with serious anti-bacterial properties. Because styes are caused by bacterial infections, the tea is effective in fighting the infection.

Bustle further recommends treating the stye with a mixture of castor oil and turmeric. The solution is a potent anti-inflammatory that when applied directly to the stye can speed up recovery.

Healthline says you may also find it useful to clean the eyelid. To do this safely and pain-free, mix tear free baby shampoo with warm water. Use a cotton swab or clean washcloth to gently wipe the eyelid with the mixture.

Scientists in Amsterdam just destroyed breast cancer tumors in 11 days without chemo

Any day where a new study shows a potential cure for cancer is a good day, and scientists in Europe may have found a breakthrough for breast cancer. The most common cancer in women, around 1 in 8 American women will develop it in their lifetime; the clinical trial may have found a way to rid us of it once and for all in the future.

Scientists in Amsterdam just destroyed breast cancer tumors in 11 days without chemo

Research presented by Professor Nigel Bundred at the European Breast Cancer Conference in Amsterdam revealed that they had tested the effectiveness of a pair of drugs known as Herceptin (a.k.a trastuzumab) and Lapatinib.

The two drugs are commonly used in breast cancer treatment already, but this is the first time they had been combined together and used before surgery and chemotherapy. What they found was they were able to eliminate some types of breast cancer in just 11 days.

Funded by Cancer Research UK, they aimed to use these drugs to combat a protein called HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) which affects the growth and division of cancer cells. It’s also more likely to return than other cancer types.

What also makes this treatment so appealing is the fact that it eliminates the need for chemotherapy and surgery. The temporary side effects like hair loss, vomiting and fatigue are also avoided, making treatment less impactful on the body. Chemo is not entirely effective, nor is it the right choice for a lot of patients, so any alternatives are welcomed.

Study Results

257 women with HER2 positive breast cancer were selected for the study, with half being put on the drug combo and the other half were the control group. What they found was that of those on the drug, 11% had no cancer cells remaining within two weeks and 17% of cases featured dramatically shrunken tumors.

Compared to the control group who were only given Herceptin, they were found to have 0% with no trace of cancer cells and only 3% showed a drop in tumor size. Clearly, the two drugs combined have a major effect on breast cancer cells as opposed to being used on their own.

The problem currently, however, is that Herceptin’s licensing makes it only available for use alongside chemotherapy and not alone. The results of this study may help to change that though.

Although there’s still a lot of work to be done, hopefully, this is a major step in the fight against one of the world’s deadliest diseases. With medical advancements improving every year, it’s entirely possible this could happen sooner than we think!


Thursday, September 22, 2016

If You Want To Lose Weight Quickly And Easily, Prepare This Drink In Only 2 Minutes Are Surprising Results

If you want to get rid of excess pounds, this is the best way to do it, because it is completely natural. The combination of these easily accessible ingredients has revitalizing effect on your body.

If You Want To Lose Weight Quickly And Easily, Prepare This Drink In Only 2 Minutes Are Surprising Results

The benefits of honey are well known and combining them with lemon increases these benefits even further. However, apple cider vinegar is crucial for weight loss in this recipe, cinnamon has a critical role for detoxification.


1 teaspoon cinnamon.
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.
1 tablespoon honey.
2 tablespoons lemon juice.
1 glass of water.

The combination of these ingredients will help you burn fat, speed up your metabolism, fight diabetes and treatment of hypotension (low blood pressure).


Put all ingredients in a blender and process well. Remove the lemon peel in the event that the lemon is not organic. Keep refrigerated mixture and take a spoonful every morning on an empty stomach. The results will be visible very soon.

Cinnamon: He is known as one of the best antioxidants in the world. Cinnamon is one of the best ingredients to maintain levels of blood sugar under control.

Apple Cider Vinegar: ACV is rich in healthy bacteria and enzymes. Its acid lowers blood pressure levels for up to 6 percent.

Honey: It has been used for centuries as a remedy for wounds and is also excellent for the skin, heart, immunity, and gynecological problems. It increases immunity, reduces sore throat, stimulates digestion, calms nerves and helps in weight loss.

Lemon juice: Has alkaline effect on the body, it regulates pH levels, and is compatible with the balance of sugar levels in the blood in the body.



Cancer industry is making different drugs which are very expensive and they are making very big money and great figures of money are transferred on tier accounts. A lot of people are attached by cancer and they need to have their treatment in the fast period as they can, and that will cost money. The money are not funny, they are terrifying.

No one ever till now discovered the cure of cancer, because in case it is fund the cancer industry is going to came an end and they will not make money anymore. So in case you find the cure for cancer better I not to share it with the cancer industry because it may kill you. Something similar happened to the man on the picture above.


He is Dr. Raymond Rife, has found the cure for cancer which will cure a millions, but he was murdered and the cure was not shared.

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was born in 1888 and contributed a great deal of his brilliance toward the field of science, when he invented the first, and currently still the most powerful universal microscope which had a magnification of 60,000 times the normal size and a resolution of 31,000 times that of the normal rate.

This man is the first man who ever see the living viruses with one very good microscope and kill them.

His unique method of killing and identifying different organism is called Mortal Oscillatory Rates. This has meaning that every living thing has certain signature on which they are giving any signs.

Dr. Rife is the one who made a technology which will reproduce MOR’s and in the same time will kill cancer.

Then, in 1934, the University of California sponsored an experiment that saw 16 terminally ill patients from a hospital in San Diego placed in apartments on the Scripps estate at La Jolla, California where they would be treated by Dr. Rife’s new method for 90 days. 14 of the patients were declared to be completely free from cancer in this short period of time, and the other two required just 1 more month of treatment and they were also cured.

Shortly after the documentary which he documented, all the documents and evidences are destroyed and he was killed.

Despite him clearly being silenced by the mafia of big pharm, author Barry Lynes of “The cancer cure that worked” documented Dr Rife’s story which has revived interest in the legendary doctors work and research.

In addition you can see the proof of killing cancer.

Retired Priest With SHOCKING Message: ‘Hell’ Was Invented By The Church To Control People With Fear!

This video is of an interview with retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong when he spoke with Keith Morrison of Dateline NBC. A partial transcript of the interview can be found below:

Spong: I don’t think Hell exists. I happen to believe in life after death, but I don’t think it’s got a thing to do with reward and punishment. Religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in a guilt-producing control business. And if you have Heaven as a place where you’re rewarded for you goodness, and Hell is a place where you’re punished for your evil, then you sort of have control of the population. And so they create this fiery place which has quite literally scared the Hell out of a lot of people, throughout Christian history. And it’s part of a control tactic.

: But wait a minute. You’re saying that Hell, the idea of a place under the earth or somewhere you’re tormented for an eternity – is actually an invention of the church?

Spong: I think the church fired its furnaces hotter than anybody else. But I think there’s a sense in most religious life of reward and punishment in some form. The church doesn’t like for people to grow up, because you can’t control grown-ups. That’s why we talk about being born again. When you’re born again, you’re still a child. People don’t need to be born again. They need to grow up. They need to accept their responsibility for themselves and the world.

Morrison: What do you make of the theology which is pretty quite prominent these days in America, which is there is one guaranteed way not to go to hell; And that is to accept Jesus as your personal savior.

Spong: Yeah, I grew up in that tradition. Every church I know claims that ‘we are the true church’ – that they have some ultimate authority, ‘We have the infallible Pope,’ We have the Bible.’… The idea that the truth of God can be bound in any human system, by any human creed, by any human book, is almost beyond imagination for me.

I mean, God is not a Christian. God is not a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindi or Buddhist. All of those are human systems, which human beings have created to try to help us walk into the mystery of God. I honor my tradition. I walk through my tradition. But I don’t think my tradition defines God. It only points me to God.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Doctors Are Urging Parents Everywhere To Keep Their Kids’ Baby Teeth

A study showed that baby teeth are a rich source of stem cells, which are like protocells that can be grown into multiple kinds of cells if needed.

Doctors Are Urging Parents Everywhere To Keep Their Kids’ Baby Teeth

That means that if later in life, a child needs replacement tissue for whatever reason, the stem cells from their baby teeth can be used to grow the needed tissue. Pretty amazing!

Potentially, the practice of storing baby teeth could save lives and treat a variety of ailments. 

Losing baby teeth, or deciduous teeth, as they’re properly known, is a rite of passage for kids everywhere.

Most of us can remember that first little wiggle that let us know a change was coming, and then the weird absence of a tooth when it finally fell out.

In 2003, a study determined that baby teeth contain stem cells and that if preserved quickly after falling out, the stem cells can be stored for years and kept in case of later medical problems in life.

So if you thought getting a dollar for your tooth was cool, then getting the chance to grow any kind of tissue, from heart cells to brain cells, and repair damaged tissue is really cool.

But there’s one catch: the baby teeth have to be kept fresh. Like anything, stem cells degrade and lose their potency over time.

So simply keeping your child’s baby teeth in a box isn’t going to cut it.

Instead, parents can use services like Store-A-Tooth to properly preserve their children’s teeth.

The teeth are placed in a liquid nitrogen cryopreservation vault, where the stem cells will remain intact and usable for years.

If later in life, the child, who may be an adult at this point, needs their stem cells, the teeth are taken out of storage and shipped to their doctor.

It seems like all the cultures that had superstitions about the power of baby teeth were, in a strange way, actually onto something!

If you’d like to know more about storing baby teeth for your kids or grandkids, check out Store-A-Tooth for more information.